

President + CEO

BBA- Accounting
College of William + Mary
CPA – Virginia

Throughout his life, Dave has battled weight issues, Type 2 Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, high blood pressure, and asthma. He tried just about every diet remedy on the market, all coupled with a wide variety of exercise programs, none of which seemed to have a dramatic effect on his overall health. In December 2010, he began a life-changing journey to regain his health, which involved finding the right combination of physician, personal trainer and nutritionist that would work as a team to support Dave in meeting his goals.

He noticed that with this team in place, his body started to respond for the first time in years. A few months into 2011, he had already lost over 70 pounds. To date, Dave’s weight remains stable and he is no longer dependent on medications. Most importantly and impressively, he has normal glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and no longer requires the use of insulin. Dave feels that he's been given his life back and he co-founded Hearthstone Health + Fitness with his wife, Martha, as a way to "pay it forward" to all those who, like him, need to find their way to a healthy lifestyle. Dave is a retired CPA with an accounting degree from the College of William + Mary and has held a variety of accounting and finance positions in and around the metropolitan Washington DC area. He is involved in several local and national charities, and is very active with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation as a current member of their President's Council.